UW_CPTC_24-4: “A Chapman-Enskog-Like (Cel) Continuum Kinetic Closure Approach in Nimrod,” by Joseph R. Jepson, posted December 30, 2024.
UW_CPTC_24-3: “Suppressing Drift-Wave-Driven Turbulence with Magnetic Field Shaping,” by Joseph (Joey) M. Duff, posted December 30, 2024.
UW_CPTC_24-2: “Modeling of Macroscopic Dynamics in Three-Dimensional Plasma Configurations: Final Scientific Report,” Carl Sovinec, posted October 9, 2024.
UW_CPTC_24-1: “ECH Ignition of DD in Mirror/Cusp Geometry,” Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, U. C. Berkeley; August 1, 2024.
UW_CPTC_22-4: “Pressure-Driven Tearing and Thermal Transport in Finite-Beta Reversed Field Pinch Computations,” U. Gupta and C. R. Sovinec, September 13, 2022.
UW_CPTC_22-3: “Gyrokinetic Modeling of Linear Tearing Mode,” by T. Jitsuk, A. Di Siena, Z. R. Williams, M. J. Pueschel, and P. W. Terry, May 27, 2022.
UW_CPTC_22-2: “Sloshing Ion Stabilization of Mirrors and Cusps” by T. K. Fowler, Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, U. C. Berkeley; February 2, 2022.
UW_CPTC_22-1: “Computational study of runaway electrons in MST tokamak discharges with applied resonant magnetic perturbations,” by B. S. Cornille, M. T. Beidler, S. Munaretto, B. E. Chapman, D. Del-Castillo-Negrete, N. C. Hurst, J. S. Sarff, and C. R. Sovinec, February 4, 2022.
UW_CPTC_21-4: “A study of ITG and KBM turbulence in low-magnetic-shear, inherently-three-dimensional magnetic equilibria” by Ian J. McKinney, December 31, 2021.
UW_CPTC_21-3: “Effect of Triangularity on Ion-Temperature-Gradient-Driven Turbulence” by J.M. Duff, B.J. Faber, C.C. Hegna, M.J. Pueschel and P.W. Terry, December 9, 2021.
UW_CPTC_21-2: “Energetic particle transport in optimized stellarators” by A. Bader, D.T. Anderson, M. Drevlak, B.J. Faber, C.C. Hegna, S. Henneberg, M. Landreman, J.C. Schmitt, Y. Suzuki, A. Ware, June 1, 2021.
UW_CPTC_21-1: “Stellarator Beta Limits with Extended MHD Modeling Using NIMROD” by Torrin A. Bechtel, April 16, 2021.
UW_CPTC_20-2: “Influence of Boundary and Edge-Plasma Modeling in Computations of Axisymmetric Vertical Displacement” by K. J. Bunkers and C. R. Sovinec. Data presented in this report is available at bunkers_sovinec_figures.tar.gz. This article has been submitted to Physics of Plasmas. After it is published, it will be found at https://aip.scitation.org/journal/php.
UW-CPTC 20-1: “A New Optimized Quasihelically Symmetric Stellarator” by A. Bader, B.J. Faber, J.C. Schmitt, D.T. Anderson, M. Drevlak, J.M. Duff, H. Frerichs, C.C. Hegna, T.G. Kruger, M. Landreman, I.J. McKinney, L. Singh, J.M. Schroeder, P.W. Terry, A.S. Ware, May 1, 2020.
UW-CPTC 19-2: “Conservation properties with artificial particle diffusivity” by C. R. Sovinec, June 30, 2019.
UW-CPTC 19-1: “Effects of flux surface shaping on ion temperature gradient turbulence in tokamaks” by Joey M. Duff, May 23, 2019. Data presented in this report is available at https://uwmadison.box.com/s/270n0h422dupq19qg9pltv54cgjrcmee .
UW-CPTC 18-5rev: “Effects of asymmetries in computations of forced vertical displacement” by C. R. Sovinec and K. J. Bunkers, September 14, 2018. This article is published under a CC BY license. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6587/aaf124 . Data presented in this report is available from https://uwmadison.box.com/s/l49uw0fn8hebn85kb8vxf06qqnuvchka .
UW-CPTC 18-4: “The role of three-dimensional geometry on turbulence in quasi-helically symmetric stellarators” by Benjamin J. Faber, July 27, 2018.
UW CPTC 18-3: “Mode Penetration Induced By Transient Magnetic Perturbations” by M.T. Beidler, J.D. Callen, C.C. Hegna, and C.R. Sovinec, June 25, 2018.
UW-CPTC 18-2: “Theory of ITG turbulent saturation in stellarators: identifying mechanisms to reduce turbulent transport” by C.C. Hegna, P.W. Terry and B.J. Faber, March 4, 2018.
UW-CPTC 18-1: “Minimum magnetic curvature for resilient divertors using Compact Toroidal Hybrid geometry” by Aaron Bader, Chris C. Hegna, M.R. Cianciosa and Greg Hartwell, March 21, 2018. zip archive of data in figures
UW-CPTC_17-8: “Verification of Braginskii closures in NIMROD on MHD waves,” K. J. Bunkers and C. R. Sovinec, November 21, 2017.
UW-CPTC_17-5r1: “Parameter-space survey of linear g-mode and interchange in extended magnetohydrodynamics” by E. C. Howell and C. R. Sovinec, September 14, 2017. zip archive of data in figures
UW-CPTC 17-4: “Enhanced toroidal flow stabilization of edge localized modes with increased plasma density” by Shikui Cheng, Ping Zhu and Debabrata Banerjee, May 19, 2017.
UW-CPTC 17-3: “HSX as an example of a resilient non-resonant divertor” by A. Bader, A.H. Boozer, C.C. Hegna, S.A. Lazerson and J.C. Schmitt, March 30, 2017.
UW-CPTC 17-2: “Resistive Wall And Error Field Studies Using The Extended MHD Code NIMROD” by Andrea L. Becerra, January 15, 2017.
UW-CPTC 17-1_rev: “Nonlinear Modeling of Forced Magnetic Reconnection in Slab Geometry with NIMROD” M.T. Beidler, J.D. Callen, C.C. Hegna and C.R. Sovinec, updated April 18, 2017. tar archive of data in figures
UW-CPTC 16-2: “Stellarator Turbulence: Subdominant Eigenmodes and Quasilinear Modeling” by M.J. Pueschel, B.J. Faber, J. Citrin, C.C. Hegna, P.W. Terry and D.R. Hatch, February 10, 2016. gzipped tar archive of data in figures
UW-CPTC 16-3: “Model of ELM suppression by RMPs in DIII-D” by J.D. Callen, M.T. Beidler, N.M. Ferraro, C.C. Hegna, R.J. La Haye, R. Nazikian and C. Paz-Soldan, July 2, 2016.
UW-CPTC 16-4: “Model of n = 2 RMP ELM suppression in DIII-D” by J.D. Callen, R. Nazikian, C. Paz-Soldan, N.M. Ferraro, M.T. Beidler, C.C. Hegna and R.J. La Haye, December 19, 2016.
UW-CPTC 16-5: “Modeling of Helium Transport and Exhaust in the LHD Edge” by A. Bader, M. Kobayashi, O. Schmitz, A.R. Akerson, F. Effenberg, H. Frerichs, Y. Feng, C.C. Hegna , K. Ida and the LHD Experimental Group, November 10, 2016.
UW-CPTC 16-6: “Extended MHD Modeling of Tearing-Driven Magnetic Relaxation” by J. P. Sauppe and C. R. Sovinec, November 17, 2016. gzipped tar archive of data
UW-CPTC 15-1_rev1: “Analytical theory of the shear Alfven continuum in the presence of a magnetic island” by C.R. Cook and C.C. Hegna, April 2, 2015.
UW-CPTC 15-2: “Gyrokinetic studies of trapped electron mode turbulence in the HSX stellarator” by B.J. Faber, M.J. Pueschel, J.H.E. Proll, P. Xanthopoulos, P.W. Terry, C.C. Hegna, G.M. Weir, K.M. Likin and J.N. Talmadge, June 18, 2015. gzipped tar archive of data in figures
UW-CPTC 15-3: “Shear alfven continua and discrete modes in the presence of a magnetic island” by Carson Raymond Cook, June 26, 2015.
UW-CPTC 15-4: “The effect of three-dimensional fields on bounce averaged particle drifts in a tokamak” by C.C. Hegna, July 20, 2015.
UW-CPTC 15-5: “Extended MHD Study of Interchange Modes in Spheromaks” by Eric C. Howell, May 20, 2015.
UW-CPTC 15-6: “Two-Fluid and Finite Larmor Radius Effects on Helicity Evolution in a Plasma Pinch” by J.P. Sauppe and C.R. Sovinec, October 5, 2015. gzipped tar archive of data in figures
UW-CPTC 15-7_rev1: “Stabilization of Numerical Interchange in Spectral-Element Magnetohydrodynamics” by C.R. Sovinec, updated May 10, 2016. tar archive of data in figures
UW-CPTC 15-8: “Analytical and numerical treatment of resistive drift instability in a plasma slab” by V.V. Mirnov, J.P. Sauppe, C.C. Hegna and C.R. Sovinec, December 16, 2015. gzipped tar archive of data in figures
UW-CPTC 15-9: “Extended magnetohydrodynamic modeling of plasma relaxation dynamics in the reversed-field pinch” by Joshua Paul Sauppe, November 23, 2015.
UW-CPTC 14-1: “Effects of a weakly 3-D equilibrium on ideal MHD instabilities” by C.C. Hegna, April 28, 2014.
UW-CPTC 14-2: “Principles of toroidal geometry optimization for ITG modes” by Mordechai N. Rorvig, August 27, 2014.
UW-CPTC 13-1: “Simulations of Edge Configurations in Quasi-Helically Symmetric Geometry using EMC3-EIRENE” by A. Bader, D.T. Anderson, C.C. Hegna, Y. Feng, J.D. Lore and J.N. Talmadge, February 25, 2013.
UW-CPTC 13-2: “Solving the Grad-Shafranov Equation with Spectral Elements” by E.C. Howell and C.R. Sovinec, August 21, 2013.
UW-CPTC 13-3_rev2: “Coulomb collision effects on linear Landau damping” by J.D. Callen, April 8, 2014.
UW-CPTC 13-4: “Collisional effects in low collisionality plasmas” by J.D. Callen, November 22, 2013.
UW-CPTC 13-5: “Pedestal Structure Without And With 3D Fields” by J.D. Callen, November 6, 2013.
UW-CPTC 13-6: “Simulated Flux-rope Evolution during Non-inductive Current Drive in Pegasus” by J.B. O’Bryan and C.R. Sovinec, October 7, 2013.
UW-CPTC 13-7: “Steady-state Force Balance in the DEBS Code” by D.D. Schnack, November 10, 2013.
UW-CPTC 13-8: “Flow Damping Due to a Model of Fluctuation Induced Viscosity in DEBS” by D.D. Schnack, November 11, 2013.
UW-CPTC 13-9: “Dependence of Single- and Multi-Helicity States on Θ and the Harmann number in the Force-free Visco-resistive MHD Model” by D.D. Schnack, November 11, 2013.
UW-CPTC 12-1: “The Internal Kink Mode and Giant Sawteeth in Tokamaks” by Dalton D. Schnack, March 5, 2012.
UW-CPTC 12-2: “Local ITG-like Instability in the Two-fluid and Extended MHD Models in Slab Geometry” by D.D. Schnack, D.C. Barnes, Ping Zhu, C.C. Hegna & C.R. Sovinec, April 16, 2012.
UW-CPTC 12-3: “Gravitational Instability as a Test Case for Extended MHD Computations” by D.D. Schnack, September 12, 2005.
UW-CPTC 12-4: “Simulation of current-filament dynamics and relaxation in the Pegasus Spherical Tokamak” by J.B. O’Bryan, C.R. Sovinec & T.M. Bird, August 10, 2012.
UW-CPTC 12-5: “Numerical simulation of current evolution in the Compact Toroidal Hybrid” by M.G. Schlutt, C.C Hegna, C.R. Sovinec, S.F. Knowlton & J.D. Hebert, June 21, 2012.
UW-CPTC 12-6_rev2: “Magnetic-flutter-induced pedestal plasma transport” by J.D. Callen, C.C Hegna & A.J.Cole, July 1, 2013.
UW-CPTC 12-7: “Investigation of 3D effects in stellarator configurations using extended MHD” by M.G. Schlutt, September 5, 2012.
UW-CPTC 12-8: “Self-consistent simulations of nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics and profile evolution in stellarator configurations” by M.G. Schlutt, C.C. Hegna, C.R. Sovinec, E.D. Held & S.E. Kruger, November 30, 2012.
UW-CPTC 12-9: “A model for microinstability destabilization and enhanced transport in the presence of shielded 3-D magnetic perturbations” by T.M. Bird & C.C. Hegna, November 23, 2012.
UW-CPTC 11-1_rev3: “The effect of anisotropic heat transport on magnetic islands in 3-D configurations” by M.G. Schlutt & C.C. Hegna, August 1, 2012.
UW-CPTC 11-2: “Zero-B modeling of coaxial helicity injection in the HIT-II spherical torus” by R.A. Bayliss, C.R. Sovinec & A.J. Redd, May 24, 2011.
UW-CPTC 11-3_rev: “Pedestal Structure Model” by J.D. Callen, J.M. Canik & S.P. Smith, November 8, 2011.
UW-CPTC 11-4_rev: “Model for pedestal structure” by J.D. Callen, November 7, 2011.
UW-CPTC 11-5: “Parallel Neoclassical Resistivity Evaluation” by J.D. Callen, July 11, 2011.
UW-CPTC 11-7: “Healing of magnetic islands in stellarators by plasma flow” by C.C. Hegna, June 7, 2011.
UW-CPTC 11-8: “Nonlinear Evolution of Kink Unstable Jets” by C.S. Carey, C.R. Sovinec and S. Heinz, July 22, 2011.
UW-CPTC 11-9: “Nature of axial tail instability and bubble-blob formation in near-Earth plasma sheet” by P. Zhu, J. Raeder, C.C. Hegna & C.R. Sovinec, August 11, 2011.
UW-CPTC 11-10: “The Effect of Three Dimensional Shaping on the Ballooning Stability Properties of Stellarator Equilibria and Tokamak Equilibria with Resonant Magnetic Perturbations” by Thomas M. Bird, August 11, 2011.
UW-CPTC 11-11: “Plasma flow healing of magnetic islands in stellarators” by C.C. Hegna, August 19, 2011.
UW-CPTC 11-13_rev: “Resonant magnetic perturbation effects on pedestal structure and ELMs” by J.D. Callen, A.J. Cole, C.C. Hegna, S. Mordijck & R.A. Moyer, March 19, 2012.
UW-CPTC 11-14: “Stabilizing Effects of Edge Current Density on Peeling-Ballooning Instability” by P. Zhu, C.C. Hegna & C.R. Sovinec, September 21, 2011.
UW-CPTC 11-15_rev: “Resonant-magnetic-perturbation-induced plasma transport in H-mode pedestals” by J.D.Callen. A.J. Cole & C.C. Hegna, September 6, 2012.
UW-CPTC 10-1: “Observation of peak neoclassical toroidal viscous force in the DIII-D tokamak” by A.J. Cole, J.D. Callen, W.M. Solomon, A.M. Garofalo, C.C. Hegna, H. Reimerdes and the DIII-D Team, July 21, 2010.
UW-CPTC 10-2_rev: “Determining the Bohm criterion in plasmas with two ion species” by S.D. Baalrud & C.C. Hegna, November 28, 2010.
UW-CPTC 10-3: “Kinetic Theory of the Presheath and the Bohm Criterion” by S.D. Baalrud & C.C. Hegna, October 26, 2010.
UW-CPTC 10-4: “Kinetic theory of instability-enhanced collective interactions in plasma” by S.D. Baalrud, May 12, 2010.
UW-CPTC 10-5_rev: “Kinetic shielding of magnetic islands in 3-D equilibria” by C.C. Hegna, October 21, 2010.
UW-CPTC 10-6: “A Model Of Pedestal Structure” by J.D. Callen, August 30, 2010.
UW-CPTC 10-7: “Peak neoclassical toroidal viscosity at low toroidal rotation in the DIII-D tokamak” by A.J. Cole, J.D. Callen, W.M. Solomon, C.C. Hegna, M.J. Lanctot, H. Reimerdes and the DIII-D Team, April 27, 2011.
UW-CPTC 10-8_rev: “Effects of 3D Magnetic Perturbations on Toroidal Plasmas” by J.D. Callen (Daejeon IAEA FEC paper OV/4-3), October 28, 2010.
UW-CPTC 10-9: “High-beta physics of magnetic islands in 3-D equilibria” by C.C. Hegna, M.G. Schlutt, E.D. Held, S.E. Kruger & C.R. Sovinec, September 24, 2010.
UW-CPTC 10-10_rev: “Effects of 3D Magnetic Perturbations on Toroidal Plasmas” by J.D. Callen (submitted to Nucl. Fusion), June 17, 2011.
UW-CPTC 09-1: “Initiation of ballooning instability in the near-Earth plasma sheet prior to the March 23, 2007 THEMIS substorm expansion onset” by P. Zhu, J. Raeder, K. Germaschewski & C.C. Hegna, January 2009.
UW-CPTC 09-2_rev: “Note on Kinetic Alfven Waves” by Carl R. Sovinec, revised February 27, 2009.
UW-CPTC 09-3: “Computational Needs for Reversed-Field Pinch and Spheromak Development” by Carl R. Sovinec, February 27, 2009.
UW-CPTC 09-4: “Instability-Enhanced Collisional Effects and Langmuir’s Paradox” by S.D. Baalrud, J.D. Callen & C.C. Hegna, April 7, 2009.
UW-CPTC 09-5_rev: “Instability-Enhanced Collisional Friction Determines the Bohm Criterion in Multiple-Ion-Species Plasmas” by S.D. Baalrud, C.C. Hegna & J.D. Callen, revised October 31, 2009.
UW-CPTC 09-6_rev: “Viscous Forces Due To Collisional Parallel Stresses For Extended MHD Codes” by J.D. Callen, revised February 4, 2010.
UW-CPTC 09-7: “Drift-resistive-inertial ballooning modes in the HSX Stellarator” by T. Rafiq, C.C. Hegna, J.D. Callen & A.H. Kritz, August 12, 2009.
UW-CPTC 09-8: “Unified theory of resistive and inertial ballooning modes in three-dimensional configurations” by T. Rafiq, C.C. Hegna, J.D. Callen & A.H. Kritz, August 13, 2009.
UW-CPTC 09-9: “A closure scheme for modeling RF modifications to the fluid equations” by C.C. Hegna & J.D. Callen, August 20, 2009.
UW-CPTC 09-10_rev: “Analysis of pedestal plasma transport” by J.D. Callen, R.J. Groebner, T.H. Osborne, J.M. Canik, L.W. Owen, A.Y. Pankin, T. Rafiq, T.D. Rognlien & W.M. Stacey, revised March 31, 2010.
UW-CPTC 09-11_rev: “Transport equations in tokamak plasmas” by J.D. Callen, C.C. Hegna & A.J. Cole, revised February 4, 2010.
UW-CPTC 09-12_rev: “Kinetic theory of instability-enhanced collisional effects” by S.D. Baalrud, J.D. Callen & C.C. Hegna, revised February 11, 2010.
UW-CPTC 09-13: “Analysis of a Semi-Implicit Algorithm for Low-Frequency Two-Fluid Plasma Modeling” by C.R. Sovinec, J.R. King & the NIMROD Team, December 4, 2009.
UW-CPTC 08-1: “Global axisymmetric simulations of two-fluid reconnection in an experimentally relevant geometry” by Nicholas A. Murphy and Carl R. Sovinec, January 22, 2008.
UW-CPTC 08-2: “Ballooning stability of near-Earth plasma sheet during the March 23, 2007 THEMIS substorm event: A local analysis” by P. Zhu, J. Raeder, K. Germaschewski, A. Bhattacharjee & C.C. Hegna, February 2008.
UW-CPTC 08-3: “Nonlinear MHD dynamics of pulsed parallel current drive in reversed-field pinches” by J.M. Reynolds, C.R. Sovinec & S.C. Prager, April 2008.
UW-CPTC 08-4_rev: “A kinetic equation for unstable plasmas in a finite space-time domain” by S.D. Baalrud, J.D. Callen & C.C. Hegna, revised September 16, 2008.
UW-CPTC 08-5: “Unified theory of resistive and inertial ballooning modes in three-dimensional configurations” by T. Rafiq, C.C. Hegna, J.D. Callen, G. Bateman, A.Y. Pankin & A.H. Kritz, June 16, 2008.
UW-CPTC 08-6_rev: “Toroidal Rotation In Tokamak Plasmas” by J.D. Callen, A.J. Cole & C.C. Hegna, (2008 IAEA Geneva paper TH/P8-36), revised November 13, 2008.
UW-CPTC 08-7_rev: “Toroidal flow and radial particle flux in tokamak plasmas” by J.D. Callen, A.J. Cole & C.C. Hegna, revised July 23, 2009.
UW-CPTC 08-8: “Low Collisionality Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity in Tokamaks and Quasi-symmetric Stellarators Using an Integral-truncation Technique” by A.J. Cole, C.C. Hegna & J.D. Callen, June 17, 2009.
UW-CPTC 08-9: “Intermediate Nonlinear Regimes of Line-tied g Mode and Ballooning Instability” by P. Zhu, C.C. Hegna, C.R. Sovinec, A. Bhattacharjee & K. Germaschewski, September 2008.
UW-CPTC 08-10: “Exponential Growth of Nonlinear Ballooning Instability” by P. Zhu, C.C. Hegna & C.R. Sovinec, November 2008.
UW-CPTC 08-11: “Initiation of ballooning instability by reconnection in the near-Earth plasma sheet” by P. Zhu, J. Raeder, K. Germaschewski & C.C. Hegna, December 2008.
UW-CPTC 08-12: “Rotational Stabilization of Magnetically Collimated Jets” by C.S. Carey & C.R. Sovinec, January 2009.
UW-CPTC 07-1: “Axisymmetric Interchange Calculations with NIMROD” by C.R. Sovinec, January 9, 2007.
UW-CPTC 07-2: “Effect of neoclassical toroidal viscosity on error-field penetration thresholds in tokamak plasmas” by A.J. Cole, C.C. Hegna & J.D. Callen, March 13, 2007.
UW-CPTC 07-3_rev: “Scaling of Ohmic Tokamak Error-field Penetration Thresholds in the Presence of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity” by A.J. Cole, C.C. Hegna & J.D. Callen, revised January 4, 2008.
UW-CPTC 07-4: “ECRH and its effects on neoclassical transport in stellarators” by JaeChun Seol, C.C. Hegna & J.D. Callen, April 6, 2007.
UW-CPTC 07-5: “Paleoclassical electron heat transport model” by J.D. Callen, December 14, 2007.
UW-CPTC 07-6: “Non-ideal MHD ballooning modes in three-dimensional configurations” by T. Rafiq, C.C. Hegna & J.D. Callen, October 2007.
UW-CPTC 07-7_rev: “Neoclassical toroidal viscosity and error-field penetration in tokamaks” by A.J. Cole, C.C. Hegna & J.D. Callen, revised January 4, 2008.
UW-CPTC 07-8: “The absence of complete FLR stabilization in extended MHD” by P. Zhu, D.D. Schnack, F. Ebrahimi, E.G. Zweibel, M. Suzuki, C.C. Hegna & C.R. Sovinec, December 2007.
UW-CPTC 07-9: “Current sheet formation due to a localized interchange mode” by P. Zhu, C.R. Sovinec and C.C. Hegna, December 2007.
UW-CPTC 07-10: “Ballooning filament growth in the intermediate nonlinear regime” by P. Zhu and C.C. Hegna, December 2007.
UW-CPTC 06-1: “Dissipative trapped-electron instability in quasi-helically symmetric stellarators” by T. Rafiq & C.C. Hegna, revised April 18, 2006.
UW-CPTC 06-2: “Nonlinear Ballooning Instability in the Near-Earth Magnetotail: Growth, Structure, and Possible Roles in Substorms” by P. Zhu, C.R. Sovinec, C.C. Hegna, K. Germaschewski & A. Bhattacharjee, March 2006.
UW-CPTC 06-3: “Key hypothesis of paleoclassical model” by J.D. Callen, September 5, 2006.
UW-CPTC 06-4: “Final Report on the OFES ELM Milestone for FY2006” by D.C. Barnes, R.A. Bayliss, D.P. Brennan, E.D. Held, S.E. Kruger, A.Y. Pankin, D.D. Schnack, C.R. Sovinec, and the NIMROD Team, September 30, 2006.
UW-CPTC 06-5: “Experimental Tests of Paleoclassical Transport” by J.D. Callen et al., October 2006.
UW-CPTC 06-6: “Paleoclassical model for edge electron temperature pedestal” by J.D. Callen et al., March 22, 2007.
UW-CPTC 06-7: “Intermediate nonlinear regime of a line-tied g mode” by P. Zhu, C.C. Hegna, C.R. Sovinec, A. Bhattacharjee & K. Germaschewski, November 2006.
UW-CPTC 06-8_rev: “Derivation of paleoclassical key hypothesis” by J.D. Callen, revised January 25, 2007.
UW-CPTC 05-1: “An Analysis of Mass Matrix Lumping in NIMROD” by Nick Murphy and Carl Sovinec, January 26, 2005.
UW-CPTC 05-2: “Time and Space Dependent Parallel Viscous Force” by Ana Laura Garcia-Perciante, March 2005.
UW-CPTC 05-3: “Nonlinear extended magnetohydrodynamics simulation using high-order finite elements” by C.R. Sovinec, et al., 2005.
UW-CPTC 05-4: “Banana regime pressure anisotropy in a bumpy cylinder magnetic field” by A.L. Garcia-Perciante, J.D. Callen, K.C. Shaing & C.C. Hegna, August 7, 2005.
UW-CPTC 05-5: “Drift waves in helically symmetric stellarators” by T. Rafiq and C.C. Hegna, July 6, 2005.
UW-CPTC 05-6: “Numerical Studies of Magnetohydrodynamic Activity Resulting from Inductive Transients” by C.R. Sovinec, August 2005.
UW-CPTC 05-7_rev: “Sheared flow effects on ballooning instabilities in three-dimensional equilibria” by C.C. Hegna, revised September 14, 2005.
UW-CPTC 05-8: “Final Report on the OFES ELM Milestone for FY2005” by D.P. Brennan, E.D. Held, S.E. Kruger, A.Y. Pankin, D.D. Schnack and C.R. Sovinec, September 30, 2005.
UW-CPTC 05-9: “Resistive Ballooning Modes In HSX?” by J.D. Callen, October 11, 2005.
UW-CPTC 05-10: “Nonlinear Growth of a Line-tied g-Mode Near Marginal Stability” by P. Zhu, C.C. Hegna and C.R. Sovinec, December 2005.
UW-CPTC 04-1_rev2: “Most Electron Heat Transport Is Not Anomalous; It’s A Paleoclassical Process In Toroidal Plasmas” by J.D. Callen, second revision October 25, 2004.
UW-CPTC 04-2: “Stabilization of Line Tied Resistive Wall Kink Modes with Rotating Walls” by C.C. Hegna, April 14, 2004.
UW-CPTC 04-3_rev3: “Paleoclassical Transport In Low Collisionality Toroidal Plasmas” by J.D. Callen, third revision June 30, 2005.
UW-CPTC 04-4: “Compressibility effect on magnetic-shear-localized ideal magnetohydrodynamic interchange instability” by Sangeeta Gupta, J.D. Callen and C.C. Hegna, July 8, 2004.
UW-CPTC 04-5: “Perturbing Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Stability for Toroidal Plasmas” by Kate Comer, August 2004.
UW-CPTC 04-6: “Time-dependent neoclassical viscosity” by A.L. Garcia-Perciante, J.D. Callen, K.C. Shaing and C.C. Hegna, October 4, 2004.
UW-CPTC 04-7: “Numerical Investigation of Transients in the SSPX Spheromak” by C.R. Sovinec, B.I. Cohen, G.A. Cone, E.B. Hooper and H.S. McLean, October 2004.
UW-CPTC 04-8_rev: “Paleoclassical Electron Heat Transport” by J.D. Callen, revised October 2004.
UW-CPTC 04-9_rev: “Paleoclassical electron heat transport” by J.D. Callen, revised June 30, 2005.
UW-CPTC 03-1: “Magnetic Island Effects on Axisymmetric Equilibria” by X. Liu, J.D. Callen and C.C. Hegna, December 2003.
UW-CPTC 03-2: “Hybrid Kinetic-MHS Simulations in General Geometry” by Charlson C. Kim, Carl R. Sovinec and Scott E. Parker, November 19, 2003.
UW-CPTC 03-3: “Time-Dependent Neoclassical Viscosity” by A.L. Garcia-Perciante, December 19, 2003.
UW-CPTC 03-4_rev: “Role of Bumpy Fields on Single Particle Orbit in near Quasi-Helically Symmetric Stellarators” by JaeChun Seol and C.C. Hegna, revised April 2004.
UW-CPTC 03-5: “Linear Resistive Layer Equations in the Presence of Sheared Torodial Rotation” by C.C. Hegna, December 2003.
UW-CPTC 02-1: “On the Poloidal Beta Evolution of Fixed-q Heating in Tokamaks” by M.W. Kissick, J.-N. Leboeuf & S.E. Kruger, January 2002.
UW-CPTC 01-3: “A Tutorial on NIMROD Physics Kernel Code Development” by Carl R. Sovinec, August 2001.
NE/Physics/ECE 922 Seminar
Hurst-Noah_Oct23_2023.pdf: “Non-disruptive tokamak operation far beyond traditional safety factor and density limits”
Royce-James_Sept18_2023.pdf: “Rising Tides Lift all Boats: Fusion Energy Science, Plasma, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility (DEIA) – the Intersectionality of a Healthy to Innovative Spaces and a ‘People Centered’ Focus to Drive Outcomes and Discovery”
John-Edwards_Sept8-9_2014.pdf: “In pursuit of Ignition – recent progress and directions at the National Ignition Facility” by John Edwards, LLNL.
Oliver-Schmitz_and_Gavin-Weir_abstracts_Oct20_2014.pdf: Oliver Schmitz and Gavin Weir abstracts Oct20, 2014.